Results for spec@ext_framebuffer_multisample@accuracy all_samples srgb small depthstencil


Result: fail

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Detail Value
Returncode 1
Time 0:00:02.052910
Pixels that should be unlit
  count = 217568
  RMS error = 0.027455
Pixels that should be totally lit
  count = 27375
  RMS error = 0.999342
The error threshold for unlit and totally lit pixels test is 0.016650
Pixels that should be partially lit
  count = 17201
  RMS error = 0.575702
The error threshold for partially lit pixels is 0.333000
Samples = 0, Result = fail

SWR detected AVX2
vert shader  0x7f890c2ad000
frag shader  0x7f890c2ab000
vert shader  0x7f890c2a9000
frag shader  0x7f890c2a7000
fetch shader 0x7f890c2a5000
vert shader  0x7f890c2a3000
frag shader  0x7f890c2a1000
fetch shader 0x7f890c29f000
fetch shader 0x7f890c0de000
SWR destroy screen!
PIGLIT_SOURCE_DIR="/home/ilia/src/piglit" PIGLIT_PLATFORM="mixed_glx_egl"
Command /home/ilia/src/piglit/bin/ext_framebuffer_multisample-accuracy all_samples srgb small depthstencil -auto -fbo


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